Sunday, October 7, 2012

Last Camping Trip of the Season

Fall is officially upon us.  The leaves are changing, we need jackets on in the morning and the big quilt hit the bed today.  We managed to get in one final camping trip for the season last weekend.  We went to the San Rafael Swell with some new friends.  It's always a chore to get packed up and to shop and get out of town at a decent hour, but once we are there it's so worth it.  No distractions, no house to clean, no phone to check, no TV to stare at.  Just a weekend of having fun with each other.
Our home for the weekend.  That's Wild Horse Butte in the background.
Someone was kind enough to hang a swing from the cottonwood tree. It was a hit, of course!
First things!
That's Jessica and Daniel.  He and Jeff work together.  He is from Australia and she is from Canada, so it was fun to show them one of our favorite places.
Why not eat your breakfast up in the tree?!
Fueling up the kids before hiking Little Wild Horse Canyon.  That's Sam in red and that's his beagle Leroy.
Enjoying the hike
Desert Rat #1
Desert Rat #2 with Leroy trying to keep up
Beautiful boy in a beautiful place

That's Tinkerbell and her fairy friend cruising in the dump truck.  At one point during the weekend Tink got buried in the sand.  Thanks to watching Toy Story I literally could not relax until we all went on a search and rescue mission and found her.
The flower he made for me from cottonwood leaves and a twig.  I spent the day hiking with it tucked in my camelback strap.  So sweet!
A family shot I love!
Can you guess who was sad to get in the car and head home?!
Happy kids, happy Mom, happy day!

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