Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas 2015

xmas letter to Miss Penny

All she wants for Christmas are her two front teeth!

2015 randoms

Since I failed to upload a single picture all year long here are a few randoms that I like...
Albion Basin in August

Popcorn junkies

Just cute

Helping with laundry

High heel fun
Helping make rolls for Thanksgiving


3rd grade school picture.  So grown up

A rare moment of kitty love

Hot cocoa


Blue eyes

Archery at Albion Basin

Donut Falls

Holiday cookie baking

Lots of work but lots of laughs...
Beautiful art

Death by arrow and bloody knife.  Are all 8 year olds like this?


Santa?  Yikes...

Jeff's self portrait cookie

First ski day of the season

We all went to Solitude for our first ski day of the season.  After working out the kinks on our first run we had a great day.  Pretty soon they will be skiing harder than Jeff and I.
All out of energy at the end of the day so why not strike a pose?

Family ski day by Iris Dickey

Halloween 2015

Some random Halloween shots.  Sadly I did not manage to get a shot of just Miles and Iris in costume, so here they are with some friends.
Decorating fun

And another.  These make me laugh

No words...

Inside carving on a cold rainy night
Iris and Gio

Miles, Tanner, Crosby and Iris

Fall break camp trip to Escalante

We scored two coveted camp sites in Calf Creek campground for fall break weekend. We headed south with the Slaughters and the Roberts clans.  It was our first trip with a new spring bar tent. in the nest...such a great thing!  We got rained on but still managed to get in some hiking, campfires and kid play time.  
Devils Garden

Devils Garden

Can you spot the dinosaur track?!

Zion Weekend in September

We made it down to our timeshare in St. George.  We stopped at the Meadow Hot Springs on our way south.  Such a cool spot and a nice way to break up the trip.  Then we spent Saturday hiking up the Narrows. 
Meadow Hot Spring

4 goofs

Pretty girl, pretty wall

Narrows hike

The family that hikes together...

Helping hand from Dad

Like a lazy lizard

This picture makes my heart happy for so many reasons...

If you're not getting dirty you're not having fun

September Honeymoon in Elko

Just teasing!  Jeff and I went to Elko for a weekend while the kids stayed back in SLC.  We went to a Barrick party Friday, then hiked hard on Saturday.  The Ruby Mountains are amazing and I would love to go back when we had the kids and more time to explore. 
I need a longer arm...or a selfie stick!

Out of practice with hard hiking.  Worked but very happy

Hoping we'll be back to this spot someday

Back to school 2015

Miles 3rd grade. 8 years old
Iris Kindergarten. 5 years old
Time sure flies...

Indiana June 2015

Another summer trip to Indiana.  Love, love, love to be back home. Wish we could stay two months and not just two weeks.
Indiana Dunes State Park

Ally and Miles
Ally and Iris

Jeff and Henry

Greatest cousins picture ever!

Pretty monkeys

With my bros

Chill time

Get him!

Armed and dangerous

Happy Birthday Mom! 

So much love...

Water park posse