Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sick day

You know it's bad when they start to cry at 9:30 PM, you comfort them and get them back to sleep, then repeat at 10:30, then 11:30, etc.  It was a rough night.  The doctor said my poor little man has a bad ear infection.  She said his ear drum looked ready to rupture, which explained his inability to sleep for more than 20 consecutive minutes.  Jeff dropped Iris at school so I could roll solo with Miles.  Taking two kids to the doctor alone is just setting yourself up for a really bad morning.  After we hit the pharmacy for some ear drops and antibiotics we had a great day.  We made pancakes, ran some errands, watched some good TV and took much needed lengthy naps.  Not too bad for a sick day.
The patient with his bubble gum flavored medicine. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh poor thing! ear infections are the worst thank goodness he is doing better and you got him there before it ruptured! and When did he start looking so grown up? I miss him!
