Iris is officially pooping in the toilet now! This is such a great milestone. We have been encouraging her for months, but I agree with the people who say you can't force it. When they are ready it will happen, and it did while we were out on our big date night. She woke telling me she did it, but I have heard that a hundred times and its never been true, so I was a doubter until Grandpa confirmed the news! Yesterday she was successful about 5 times throughout the day, so apparently she is digging her new skill.
Part of our encouraging was telling her that she could go to Target and pick a toy after she figured it out. We weren't thrilled with intentionally throwing ourselves into the craziness that is Target just a few days before Christmas, but we'd promised for months. Her pick was Belle the princess. If anyone picked this for her xmas present worries. She would be thrilled with two. She keeps saying Belle needs to marry another princess! Hmmm...
Loving Belle (or perhaps choking her to death!) |
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