We scored a little bike from our friend Hilary and took Miles out to try it a few nights ago. It was a patience drill at first, mostly because it was 102 degrees and it was pretty much time for the kids to be in bed. We were all a little cranky and I was ready to head in and take a cold shower, but Jeff stuck with him and he got it! I screamed and some neighbors gave cheers. We need a few more sessions because the pedaling part came quickly, but not so much the braking and stopping part. I was thankful I put him in pants because he took a few diggers, but he says he's excited to head out and try it again. Today would be a good day for it since we finally have some clouds and a breeze and a temperature outside that's less than 100!
Go, baby, go!
Iris figuring out the scoot bike.
Pearl will be the LAST kid to ever learn to ride a bike without training wheels. Should have done what my parents did and just give her a bike too big for her, two nasty crashes into a gravel pit and barbed wire fence later and you are pedaling!