Some of the birthday boys likes:
- playing Angry Birds on Jeff's nook
- sharks
- fishing (not that he has officially fished yet, but he is on his way with a new rod and tackle box)
- Dr. Suess Barthlomew Cubbins books (my least favorite, painfully long at the end of a week day)
- art time
- watching Thunder Cats and Ninjago
- camping and hiking
- quesadillas (a staple, no different than the last few years)
Pre party excitement
For the past few months Miles has been saying his birthday cake needed to have a spider, a shark and a ninja on it. I wondered how we were going to pull that off. Fortunately, Jeff's coworker bakes cakes and was excited to give it a shot. Here is the finished product. Super fun!
Happy Birthday to Miles! Lots of love, Aunt Sarah