Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Miles!

How is my baby 5 years old?!  Time flies, that's for sure.  We had the extended birthday party.  The real deal was Thursday with treats at school and a party with family that night.  The friend party was today at the playground.  We decided to keep it simple and have it at the new playground by our old house.  The forecast was looking grim...crazy wind and rain, but we got lucky.  It held off until the kids had some play time, the cake was eaten and the presents were open.

Some of the birthday boys likes:
  • playing Angry Birds on Jeff's nook
  • sharks
  • fishing (not that he has officially fished yet, but he is on his way with a new rod and tackle box)
  • Dr. Suess Barthlomew Cubbins books (my least favorite, painfully long at the end of a week day)
  • art time
  • watching Thunder Cats and Ninjago
  • camping and hiking
  • quesadillas (a staple, no different than the last few years)
 Pre party excitement
For the past few months Miles has been saying his birthday cake needed to have a spider, a shark and a ninja on it.  I wondered how we were going to pull that off.  Fortunately, Jeff's coworker bakes cakes and was excited to give it a shot.  Here is the finished product.  Super fun!

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