Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Saying goodbye to a trusty friend

We have been purging lots of baby items these days since we have limited space and plan on making no more babies.  I sold my pump last Friday and I was actually a little sad about it.  For months and months it went everywhere I did.  I used it in all kinds of places...home, hotel rooms, state vehicles while traveling, outside during field work, twice a day at work in the little room off the kitchen...2 feet from coworkers microwaving their Lean Cuisines.  I was very happy to have been able to nurse both kids and actually a little sad to be done. 

Was it painful at first?  Yes
Was it challenging?  Yes
Was it time consuming?  Yes
Was it mentally consuming?  Often times
Was it worth it?  Absolutely!

We did supplement as Iris got older.  This next picture?   The very last of the formula.  No more spending $40/week on it at Costco, which is a great thing.  All the more money for diapers, wipes, pull ups, clothing, shoes, food, and all the other stuff we buy at that place  :)


  1. You forgot the time Scott Daly thought it was a projector and brought it into your meeting!
    Good post...

  2. What? I'd love to hear more about THAT meeting! Ha!

    It's just another sad reminder that our babies aren't babies anymore. Boo.
