Thursday, January 27, 2011


 Yes...apparently this is torture.  These 4 plain raviolis!  Tiny and sauceless, with nothing in them but a speck of cheese.
We have been trying to get more variety in Miles' diet.  Like most kids, he was a great eater until he turned 2, then everything changed.  He loves yogurt, string cheese, cereal and fruit.  Those are not bad foods as long as they are not the only foods.  I really think he would happily survive for months eating only Cheerios and apple slices.
Last night we decided to make him have just one bite of ravioli before he could watch TV or play with toys.  I knew he would fight it and stall and hope we would give up.  We didn't.  He sat and stared at them for an hour while Jeff bathed Iris and I cleaned the kitchen.  Then it was straight into the tub.  No toys, no TV.
I struggle with this because I grew up being the most picky eater ever, other than perhaps Jeff!  I freaked when the pasta had sauce on it, when the cereal had milk in it, and when the ketchup touched anything.  I lived on buttered saltines and plain white bread and a favorite snack was crunching on plain uncooked pasta (and I wonder why I'm a carb junkie now!)  I didn't even try rice or oatmeal or macaroni and cheese until college...seriously.
I guess now is the time to be firm about it.
Hmmm, what to make for dinner tonight?


  1. I can't believe Miles is that picky at home!! He LOVES ravioli when we have it for lunch! The ONLY thing he won't eat for me is green beans!

  2. I can't believe he is that picky! I thought Pearl was bad but she usually eats whatever we do. Just takes an hour to do it.
