It's time to play catch up on my blog. I've been busy, but wanted to make sure I captured a few recent happenings.
Mom and Dad came to town for visit. I was so excited to spend time with them and relax and show them the new house. I'm guessing the new digs were much improved for them over having to sleep on the murphy bed in the middle of the living room and wake every single morning at 6AM when Miles does.
We saw movies and went to Ruth's Diner for biscuits and shopped and really just chilled together. Jeff and I disappeared for 2 nights to our timeshare up in Midway. When you have kids, rare are the days that you get to completely check out, so that was a huge treat.
Dad was on a mission to complete at least 100 projects that we have on our to-do list, and I think he came close to accomplishing that! The outside lights got scrubbed, the closet door got painted, fixed and rehung. Our disaster of a yard got some serious love for the first time all season. The cabinets got repaired, the squeaky doors got WD-40'd, the mirror got hung, the weed wacker got repaired, the garage is now organized with pegboard and hooks and things are where they belong. The hose in the backyard is now functional. The list is long and I'm sure I've left off a bunch of stuff. So thanks Dad! It was all much appreciated since we don't have the motivation or a lot of extra time to cross that stuff off the list.
I was terrible about taking pictures. I always put it off, then don't really want pictures on the last day...the sad day, when it's hard for me to keep the tears away. However, I did manage to snap a few random ones.
Miles and Mom planting seeds in his new planter. The side is clear so we can see all the action. The radishes are the clear winners over the carrots and onions!
My Mom loves popcorn, so therefore the kids become popcorn junkies when she is in town. They look forward to heading downstairs after bath time, getting to watch one show with her (usually Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and man, does Grandma have the moves!) and sharing a big bowl of popcorn.
This one just makes me laugh. Miles got a Nerf gun for his birthday and it is break the windows insane! We all took turns with it and Dad showed off his sharp shooter skills :)
Of course, when it's time for them to pack their suitcases I'm a mess. It used to be the worst at the airport, but now it's hard at home too, watching them say goodbye to the kids and knowing it will be a while before we all get to be together again. Time to get the calendar out and plan the next visit. Love you guys so much. Thanks for a great visit and for all your help. Miss you in a crazy way.