Sunday, October 23, 2011

Silver Lake

Hiking around up at Silver Lake this morning.  There was already some snow on the ground.
All bundled up and happy.
Love my little man and the reflection behind him.
Pretty impossible to get 2 kids to look toward the camera. O well!

A visit from Grandma and Grandpa Schmitt

My folks were just here in Salt Lake for a two week visit and we had such a great time.  I had a few days of alone time with them and I loved every second of it.  They watched the kids for the weekend and Jeff and I disappeared for a romantic getaway.  I haven't relaxed like that in years...seriously, years. Their visits are never long enough.  Two weeks isn't long enough, 2 months wouldn't be long enough.  I love them and enjoy them so much.  My heart is heavy when we part ways.  I wish we all lived closer together, but it is what it is.  Time to book tickets for our next visit so I'm not so sad!
Reading time with Grandma
My Mom created a little monster.  She spoiled Iris and played hours of nursery rhymes on You Tube for her, so anytime we sat at the table she thought she was going to get more of them.  Good thing the laptop is now back in Indiana!
Reading time with Grandpa
 Jeff and I stayed up near Pineview Reservoir for the weekend.  I love my kids so much, but it was great to have some alone time.  We slept in and read books and relaxed and had a few quiet meals out.  Perfect!  After dinner we strolled along the beach and Jeff snapped this shot. 
Group shot before we headed to the Farmers Market. 
Jeff's folks came down for an evening and we all got to hang out.  The last time I posted a picture of the whole group Iris was only 1 week old.  Here we are almost 2 years later.  I'm constantly blown away by how quickly time flies.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Up, up and away

We went up to Snowbird last Sunday morning.  The leaves are changing in the mountains and we hadn't been up yet to check them out.  We decided to take the tram to the top.  Miles had only been on it once and he was too little to remember.  He was definitely excited to be high in the air checking everything out.  We took a chair lift back down the mountain after we were done snacking and poking around.  That was my favorite part.  It's better for taking in the scenery and listening to the creeks and trying to spot some wildlife.  Miles was happy, but Iris was ready for a nap.  You win some, you lose some.
Speaking of Iris, she is in chatter mode.  I disappeared for 2 days for work and I swear she learned 5 new words.  She parrots everything we say.  Cheese stick, patience, kick the ball, book please, no Bella!  It's wild to witness kids develop their language skills.  I need to get the video camera out soon and capture some of it before she is speaking in complete sentences.
 I like this one because you can see the Cliff Lodge in the background...the place we said I do!
I always think the mountains look so cool from Hidden Peak.
Enjoying the slow cruise back down.